Bed and Breakfast Accommodations in 59755 Virginia City, MT

7 businesses found

Gingerbread House/Karens Cabin

201 East Idaho St , 59755
Phone: (406) 843-5471

Just an Experience

1570 Highway 287 West , 59755
Phone: (406) 843-5402

Nevada City Hotel & Cabins

1585 Us Highway 287 , 59755
Phone: (406) 843-5377

An Just Experience

Highway 287 West , 59755
Phone: (406) 843-5402

Stonehouse Inn

306 Idaho St , 59755
Phone: (406) 843-5504

Bennett House Country Inn

115 East Idaho , 59755
Phone: (406) 843-5220

The Gingerbread House and Karen's Cabins

201 E. Idaho St
Box 221 , 59755
Phone: (208) 727-7101